Futureproofing Your Ecommerce Brand
Learn How To Create Value and Build Your Brand’s Legacy
15 June 2022, Wednesday
6:30pm - 7:30pm UTC +8
via Zoom
You’ve poured sweat and tears into your business, and while you enjoy reaping the fruits of your labour, perhaps you’re also up to your neck to keep the gears running. 

Are you wondering about:
🚨 whether to hang tight or let go of your ecom business
🚨 how much is your ecom brand worth
🚨 when is the right time to cash in
🚨 expanding to new markets
🚨 raising capital
… or even just taking a break to spend more time with family?
If so, come join us as we share about how to get around the biggest challenges faced by ecommerce business owners. Learn how to build value into your brand such that it will become a sustainable, household name for years to come.

With the right tools, you can watch your brand transcend geographical borders and reach global consumers!
"With Una Brands’ financial backing and operational expertise, we are now able to accelerate entry into new markets and achieve our mission of helping people create a workspace where they can feel great and achieve great things.
Joshua, Yi Hao, and Jun Kiat, Founders of ErgoTune and EverDesk+
Brands Acquired
Ecommerce Brands
Revenue Generated

  So how do you GET STARTED?

Learning how to build sustainable value into your ecommerce brand and scaling globally can be intimidating and arduous for many business owners. Some might not even find the hassle worth their while. 

But this does not mean that your brand has to become extinct. 

What if we told you that there was a way to continue building your brand’s legacy, expand into new markets, develop new product lines AND you get cash money in your pockets for all of the hard work that you’ve laboured over it? 

Come and find out about the growth opportunities for your brand and how to maximise the dollar value of your business should you ever consider passing it on when the timing is right.
In this webinar, you’ll learn about—

Fight or Flight

Challenges of Ecommerce
🔥 Supply chain setbacks
🔥 Capital constraints
🔥 Founder Fatigue

Improving Profitability

Future-proofing your Ecom Brand
🔥 Compliance and intellectual protection for your products
🔥 Managing a strong and reliable supply chain
🔥 Building a strong brand with marketing
🔥 Maximising profitability through cost and growth levers

Going Global

Growing in Asia-Pacific
🔥 Planning for expansion
🔥 Capital injection
Multi-channel, multi-market expansion
Open rates increased from 30% to over 50%, and our conversion rates are 3%–8%. Our customer recovery flows are currently between 4%–5%; some campaigns have brought in over $100,000 within the last six months. 
One campaign brought in over $60,000 on just one email. 
Mark McLean, Co-founder, Benji Sleep

Mark your calendar:

🗓️ June 15, 2022, Thursday
⏰ 6:30 to 7:30 PM UTC +8
📍 via Zoom

What to expect:

✅ Real-life data from strategies that work
✅ Lifecycle marketing best practices with examples
✅ How to build strong and sustainable brand value
✅ Ideas on bringing your brand to the global market
✅ How to maximise your profits
...and more!

About the Speakers
Joshua Chin | Chronos Agency

As Co-founder & CEO of Chronos Agency, Josh has led his company to deliver over $120M in annual email marketing revenue for DTC clients. He’s passionate about sharing the message of lifecycle marketing to help you grow your businesses and brands.
Adrian Johnston | Una Brands

As Co-founder and VP of Strategy, Adrian helps ecommerce businesses maximise the value of their brand through long-term brand strategies and optimised operational processes. His knowledge is backed by years of experience in Corporate Strategy Consulting at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Equity Trading at Goldman Sachs.
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